Thursday, April 29, 2010

Another day, another fifty cents...minus seven cents for taxes

It has been way too long since my last entry so where do I start? Where did I leave off? Oh yes the M-16 qualification shoot. Well I wont glorify the fact that I qualified at the lowest rate of marksman but we wont talk about that, the fact is I did qualify end of story.

The week following my M-16 class I had a week break before I started a 6 week long cable splicing school teaching us how to properly repair high voltage electrical cable and so far it is more technical then I thought it would ever be. I am looking forward to getting into phone and fiber optics. Anyway during the week I had to wait for the school I was put to working helping the admin office and standing four hour quarterdeck watches in the middle of the night. Basically what that meant was to sit there from 4am until 8am at the desk in the center of the battalion building answering phones that didn't ring and trying not to get too frustrated with my cross word puzzles....exciting!

There are a lot of different species of birds here in Mississippi then I am used to in the North West. The other day I spotted a cardinal bird for the very first time. He was singing quite the song and almost sounded in panic but I continued to watch him hop from limb to limb, what a beautiful bird. I saw him again yesterday as I sat out side enjoying the sun rise. He was pecking the grass in front of my room door trying to get the early bird worm. I was enjoying his company until a truck pulled up and scared him away. I look for the cardinal every morning now and look forward to possibly seeing him and hearing his beautiful song. Oh I also saw a snapping turtle this morning sunning himself by the slew, very neat but I am still on the hunt for a gater!!

Well I have been here for a month now and the time is seeming to go by a tad bit faster then the first week did. I am on a regular schedule until the end of June and then who knows.

Off to cook up a bit-o dinner. Wishing everyone well and sending my love!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A lot has happened since last week. I started my classes last Monday and that is where the fun began. We started off with CBR (chemical, biological, radiological) protection utilizing our gas masks and protective suites in the gas chamber. We were required to enter the chamber, remove our canister and then replace it while holding our breath and then clearing our masks. I was unable to replace my canister as I found it difficult and sucked some good old CS gas. Nothing like gas in the morning to clear your sinuses. The following day we continued with IED training, learning how to recognize possible IEDs and the proper steps to take if having the misfortune of crossing one's path. The most fun part of the class was when my group got to set off an explosion that was strapped to the other groups vehicle. The kicker was when we had to switch places and have our turn at the experience. It was a very scary yet interesting course.

Sunday was a day of rest spent with the bravo company ladies. We ventured off base for the first time and hit the mall running. After about an hour or two of shopping we made our way to the beach. The sand was white, the sun was hot and the water was brown! Left overs from hurricane Katrina lingered along the coast. Houses were rebuilt, in the process of being rebuilt and many were left with just the foundations abandoned by owners unable to rebuild. All in all it was a very relaxing day to forget about the upcoming task at hand.

Yesterday I started my M-16 class with class room training. I aced my written test and today we practiced on the simulator. God help those who get stuck with me in a fire fight. Tomorrow we hit the range for our live fire marksmen ship qualification. I tend to do better at live fire so keep your fingers crossed for me.

As I was walking back from class I noticed a group gathered at the base theater. There were women and children, mothers and fathers holding welcome home signs. I realized that they were family members of other Seabees waiting to welcome their loved ones home from a long deployment. NMCB-22 came home today and all I could think was that I wished it was my battalion coming home. Its seems so far away now but I know that someday those signs will be for us.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Liberty at last!

Today was my first day off this week and it was welcomed. I wished I could have slept in but I had to report to my platoon leader first thing this a.m. to let him know that my squad had make it back from Friday night liberty. The Bravo company commanders threw us a BBQ last night with hot dogs and chips and drinks. It was nice to gather for the first time in civilian cloths and get to know a few new people.

Today was unusually uneventful. I was able to do some laundry and watch some movies and I even cooked dinner in my room tonight; a welcoming more healthy meal then I had been used to this week. My body is recovering but my muscles are still a bit sore. Tomorrow we have morning PT at 0515 before I start my first day of class. I tend to think that I took two day weekends for granite, in fact I know I did. I stayed close to my room today but maybe next weekend I will venture into the great unknown of Gulport Mississippi. The possibilities are endless.

Nothing more to report tonight but my next post should be interesting. Happy Easter to all!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

So much to write about but so little time, well not really little time it is just my brain tends to shut down after 5pm. So much has happened in such a short period of time that the days just seem to run into each other and I get confused on what days we did what.

Finally my team was able to make it to supply for our personal gear issue that consisted of all the basics we may need while out in the field out side the wire. After running the line marathon through each station it was time to fill our packs and lug them back to the bus. The total weight of the gear equaled or exceeded my current body weight but I was happy to realize my legs and back are stronger then I anticipated. Getting on the bus was not a big deal but the steps off the bus made for a few scary moments. Each step made my legs wobble more then the last and I prayed the final larger step down would not end my Navy career with a face plant on to the black top. Thankfully my legs held strong and the trek to my room was a short one. I felt like a kid in a toy store with all of my new gear ranging from Kevlar, flack jacket, tent, sleeping bag, cool sunglasses, camelback, three day back pack, sling, rigger belt and the list goes on and on and on. I am finally breaking in my new boots though my feet ache at the end of each day. I think it is time for a trip to pick up some gel insoles.

Today was the second day with my squad and this morning the platoon leader was not present at our morning muster or PT so I had to step up as platoon leader and take charge of all four squads. I had never done that before and was scared and really nervous so I just winged it the best I could. I guess I did an okay job as I have yet to be “counseled”. That is a nice way of saying “getting my ass chewed out”. I have fallen into place with my squad and now feel more comfortable as a leader. I know each day will get better and I will improve on my leadership skills.

Oour company commanders have organized a company BBQ for us tomorrow to help us get to know each other better and boost our morale. If I have not mentioned it before let me state that I am proud to be in Bravo Company and honored as 1st platoon 1st squad leader.

The night is late and my body is tired. Off to regain my strength for what ever lies ahead tomorrow!!